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The error code specifies the reason for the execution failure.

Unknown-1Error: Unknown error.
NetworkError0Error: Errors related to network issues, including disconnections or unstable connections.
InvalidSendMessage2001Error: Invalid message format; empty, contains only a space, or exceeds 1000 characters.
RepeatMessage8001Error: Attempting to send the same message within 10 seconds.
PurchaseConflict10604Error: Unable to complete gifting as the recipient currently possesses the item due to a recent transaction.
TargetUserIsNotExist31002Error: Attempting to send to a non-existent user.
NotActiveItem33101Error: Inactive or discontinued item.
NotEnoughBalance33204Error: Insufficient balance for the purchase.
AlreadyPurchased37001Error: The recipient already possesses the item.
AccountAgeInsufficient37010Error: Attempting to send using a user account created within the last 30 days, which is prohibited.
SendUserIsGuest37011Error: Attempting to send using a guest user account, which is prohibited.
MessageBadWords37012Error: The message contains inappropriate content.
NotAllowedSelf37013Error: Attempting to send to oneself, which is prohibited.
InvalidItem37017Error: Invalid item.
TargetUserRefused37018Error: The recipient refuses to receive the gift.
PriceChanged37021Error: Item price has changed.