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The error code specifies the reason for the failure of product-related requests.

Unknown-1Error: Unknown error.
NetworkError0Error: Errors related to network issues, including disconnections or unstable connections.
UserCanceled1Error: Request is canceled by the user.
ProductRefreshResponseError2Error: Invalid product metadata in the request.
ItemPackageProductsResponseError3Error: Failed to retrieve one or more item information in the item product package.
IAPCardError4Error: Failed to retrieve the on or more currency information in the currency product package.
ProductPriceChanged4001Error: Product price mismatch.
ProductAlreadyPurchased4002Error: Product is already purchased.
BalanceOfficialCurrencyNotEnough4003Error: Insufficient ZEPETO’s official currency (ZEM) balance for the purchase.
BalanceUserCurrencyNotEnough4004Error: Insufficient in-World currency balance for the purchase.
ProductNotActive4005Error: Product is not active.
InvalidCreator4006Error: Player's user ID differs from the World creator's user ID. This error only occurs in the development environment using the Unity editor.